pamela leans towards the camera with her head resting on her hands and a fun kissy face

Hi! I'm Pamela

Pink Cove Treasures started out as a way to celebrate myself.I wanted to share that little act of joy with others. A lot of my inspiration comes from the playfulness of my inner child. Honoring her creativity and curiosity through creating has been a very beautiful journey.It’s hard to slow down and enjoy the little things. These treasures are for the people who deserve a little extra reminder of all the abundant love the universe has for them.

From Paraguay to Queens, I try to be intentional of bringing my full self into my work. My ultimate vision for Pink Cove Treasures is to create a space where others can also find their footing in the world

When I am not sarcastically girl bossing my way through the world I'm binge watching Gilmore Girls and looking up recipes I'll never make.

And if you've made it this far.... thank you for being here